Online Nikah Service-Blog
Online Nikah Service
Online Nikah Service offers a unique opportunity for Pakistanis who live abroad and cannot attend their wedding or are unable to attend due to some reason.

By appointing a lawyer, they can perform an online marriage in Pakistan under Pakistan Marriage laws and Sharia (Hanfi School of Thought).
Online marriage in Pakistan does not require both partners to be citizens of Pakistan. It is possible for the couple to get their marriage registered if either spouse is a Pakistani citizen.
Middle Eastern countries like UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iraq, etc., do not allow females to perform Nikah without a wali. Pakistani marriage laws do not include such a condition. Thus, there is no need for a Wali in Pakistan to perform an online Nikah. A special clause in the Pakistani Nikahnama refers to the appointment of Vakeel / Representatives on behalf of newlyweds.
A lawyer is required for Pakistanis or foreigners living abroad who wish to register their marriage in Pakistan. The lawyer will then perform and process the Nikah paperwork.
Our firm is one of the leading marriage and family law firms in Pakistan. We are the pioneers of online Nikah around the world. The number of online marriages we have conducted around the world has reached hundreds.
(Online Nikah ka Tareeqa)
Step 1:
We require the Client’s Passport / ID Cards copies via Email and their Particulars.
Step 2:
NIKAH is solemnized on a convenient date. A video call can be set up when both the Bride and Groom are available.
Step 3:
Our Qazi Nikah Khawan recites Khutba-e-Nikah during the scheduled video call. In the presence of two Muslim witnesses and the Vakeels, he administers the Ejab o Qabool.
Step 4:
We process the legal documents for both parties’ signatures and apply for marriage registration on their behalf after the recitation of Nikah. It may include the registration of a Nikahnama (marriage contract) and a NADRA Marriage Certificate. Upon receipt of signed documents duly attested, we can also provide English or Arabic translations with notary public attestation.
Depending on the payment package you select, here is what you will receive after you complete the online Nikah service. Documents that can be used for nikah include:
- Nikahnama Registration
- Nikah Nama in Urdu (Copies)
- Translations of Nikahnama in English and Arabic
- NADRA Marriage Certificate
- Notary Public / (MOFA) Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Attestation
In accordance with the Government of Pakistan’s instructions, we process these documents through the departments concerned. As authorized by the Government of Pakistan, we process those documents through the relevant departments, we deliver authentic and reliable. You can certify these details independently.
- Both the man and the woman should be adults and not mahrams.
- Marriage should be agreed upon by both parties.
- The nikah should be performed in the presence of two witnesses.
- The MEHR (Dower Amount) needs to be agreed upon.
Can Muslim women marry without her Wali?
In accordance with Article 35 of the Constitution of Pakistan and the judgment of the Federal Shariat Court, a sui juris Muslim female can enter into a valid Nikah / Marriage without the consent of her Wali. The 2005 PLD
Online Nikah Procedure
We offer a simple online Nikah procedure. According to the Hanafi Islamic school of thought, we follow this procedure.
Video Conference Nikah Service fulfills the essential Nikah conditions. The conditions are as follows:
- Two male witnesses were present
- Marriage Offer and Acceptance (Ejab o Qabool) by the spouses
- Vakeel/Representatives of both parties
- The mandatory condition of Mehr (dower amount) has been met
According to the clear terms of Nikah cited above, the Bride or Groom are not required to attend their own Nikah ceremony. Our Vakeels need to be authorized by them to pronounce the offer or acceptance for Nikah on their behalf. In all respects, it must be legal and Sharia-compliant. Under Sharia, the whole process must meet the four conditions stated above.
How to Register for Marriage Online in Pakistan?
During your online Nikah, we follow the Hanafi School of Thought and the relevant Pakistani Marriage Laws, such as the Muslim Family Law Ordinance 1961 and the Family Courts Act 1964.
What documents are required for Nikah Online?
Here are the details.
How can I get Nikahnama in other languages?
Depending on your needs, you can get your Nikahnama in any language. The Nikanama translation service is available in various languages, including German, Arabic, French, Persian, Greek, Filipino, Hindi, Bangla, and Spanish.
Do I need to register for Nikah?
You can do Nikah without registering. However, registering your Nikah will enable you to file your cases in different courts of law and government departments around the world.
Nikah certificates: where can I get them?
The Nikah Certificate can be obtained after a duly conducted Nikah and its registration with the Union Council Or Arbitrary Council.
Who is Nikah Registrar?
The Union Council shall grant licenses to one or more individuals for the purpose of registering marriages under Muslim Family Law Ordinance 1961, according to section 5 of Ordinance VIII of 1961.
Is Nikah possible over the phone?
If the conditions mentioned above are met, then yes.
Does Islam accept internet marriage?
The Hanafi School of thought accepts it if the prescribed conditions are met.
Is it necessary to attest a Pakistani marriage certificate in Dubai?
Attestation of marriage certificates is provided by us from the departments concerned.
What are the benefits in Pakistan of the Online Nikah Service?
Online Nikah Service is available to all overseas Pakistanis and foreigners who marry a Pakistani Spouse.
Is online Nikah valid?
According to the relevant Pakistani Marriage Laws, online nikah or nikah on skype is valid according to the Hanafi School of Thought.
In Nikah, who can be a wali?
Wali is a word with multiple meanings in Arabic. In the context of Nikah, a Wali is someone who has authority or guardianship over someone else, particularly an agent authorized by the bride in concluding the marriage contract (Nikah Nama), where the Wali traditionally selects the bridegroom.
Nikah (marriage) is valid as long as the bride, groom, and bride’s wali (male guardian) consent to it. According to most Muslim scholars, the wali’s permission is not necessary for Nikah, but Hanafis disagree.
Typically, the wali is the bride’s father or grandfather, or in the absence of a father, a brother, or uncle of the bride. If there is no Muslim relative, a qadi may serve as wali mujbir, or a father, brother, or husband (a mahram).
Without witnesses, how do you perform Nikah?
There can be no Nikah without Witnesses.
How many witnesses are needed for Nikah?
There are two Muslim witnesses.
Who can avail of Online Nikah Service?
With our Online Nikah Service, you can obtain your nikah document anywhere in the world. If you live in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Dubai, London, or New York, you can hire us for your marriage registration and documentation.